We Buy
ChandelierParts.com is the nations largest closeout house for chandelier and lighting parts. We buy all kinds of parts and prisms that are surplus or closeout goods. We partner with fine manufacturers of chandeliers, prisms and crystals to acquire their surplus inventory. ChandelierParts.com locates and retails many unique pieces that you cannot find anywhere else.
Manufacturers and distributors buy volumes of parts and pieces that sometimes get pegged as surplus and sell to us. We also buy bankrupt businesses and companies that just have run their course and close. Because of our wide distribution channel we are able to clean out entire businesses or inventories and sell at greatly reduced prices. Usually we are able to offer these unique chandelier prisms and parts at prices wholesale or below.
We have a 30+ year history of selling inventories of all kinds, making us unique in the lighting industry. We are able to buy large quantities of crystal and chandelier parts that would overwhelm other companies.
PLEASE NOTE: At this time, we will only consider purchases of new, unused chandelier parts. If you have used items, your best bet is to try to sell locally via Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist.
If you have an inventory you want to sell or liquidate, contact us:
Mike Breen, President
(218) 737-0134